Hans Arnold is dead.
27/10, 2010 kl. 01:11
Tribute to one of my favorite artists: Hans Arnold (22 april 1925–25 oktober 2010)
I wish some artists would never die, such as Hans Arnold. He’d forever stay immortal, mirroring his perception of life for infinity. I somehow wish I could meet all quirky characters created by him. All of the characters come across as complex personalities, full of depth, originality, portraying timeless figures. In Arnold’s imagery the various characters are multi-dimensional, troubled, yet with a humoristic quirkiness. In the mist of things the artist manages to expose the individuals inner train of thought. Their inner shawdowed lands. The exposed characters all depict psychedelic and surrealistic qualities. They're human and real.The characters all exist somewhere between a dream and a cartoon, hopefully Hans Arnold is there with them.
Denna artikel är publicerad på Allpressen via SvenskPress.se.
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